Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Last night I went to bed peacefully as I normally do after doing my affirmations (I believe in them) and some quiet time with my Lord. While sleeping I was reminded of what I have been straight through recently and how I emotionally have dealt with it, I should share this process with others. I believe one should institution journaling and affirmations to stay in touch with reality.
You see, at the starting of 2009 I had to file for personal bankruptcy; it was time to admit I could no longer deal with all the debt I had incurred over the last 20 years. This was troubling, mostly to my ego, but my feelings about my worth remained in tact - it is what it is! Get the advice of a good lawyer when going down this track.
Now allow me to back up a bit in time. I was the controlling partner in a large building Company, that primarily built upscale homes. I handled the building side and my partner handled the money and financial issues. My partner passed away on New Years day of 2008. He had lung cancer, not a nice way to die, he smoked (that stuff should be illegal). As he began to fail, we hired another employee, my partner prime him as he came extremely recommended by two population we respected a lot. This young man was on parole but we felt every person deserves a second opening and we could help him. For those reading this you should always do a background check no matter who recommends that you hire someone.
That is where the biggest question began - we had hired a wolf in sheep's clothing without doing a background check. Since my partner liked him and I would trust my partner with my life - the new guy got an automated pass into trust. We felt collect in the structure of our finances, it had been created so there would never be a interrogate as to where the money went. When a turn such as this occurs, an audit by an accountant should be conducted. always do your due diligence, we did not. He began stealing from the company in October of 2007 and never stopped until all of our money was gone in October 2009. This issue has been turned over to the police.
He devised methods, covered his trail, and built lies into truths, a sick young man. I was crushed, a company I had personally built and nurtured since 1988 was destroyed. I went into a funk, I felt wholly hopeless, totally defeated, he had broken my heart. I never trusted whatever that much.
Thankfully, I read a lot and was currently complicated with a book written by Zig Ziglar, this book convinced me to go back to my affirmations and that "I am legitimately what I think". I began putting new obvious thoughts into my brain replacing the old negative ones. I began helping others, sharing me new beliefs with people. This was working but something still was missing.
I was spending more and more time talking to my Lord. Then it hit me, do what my Father always wanted me to do, read the Bible. I asked my wife for a Bible for Christmas - the New Testament. Well the Lord took over and I got a King James Version of the Bible, not just the New Testament but the Old Testament as well, the lord guides. I have since read the Bible from one end to the other, all 1461 pages at times, it was trying, but I knew I was being tested.
In the short few weeks since putting the Bible down, I have new passion. I have found a new career. I have put a team together and have more friends. I am truly just a great person. When in personal problem reach out to the Master. He is always there.
I am not pleased with how I got to where I am but I do know that out of every situation comes something good, if you look for it, yes, if you look for it. Effect me and I will keep every person updated, I am so excited I can not wait to get out of bed every morning and begin my new day.
Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolves
Beware of the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
The Wolves