Showing posts with label Origins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Origins. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?

Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?

Samsung Galaxy

It's widely believed that dogs originated over 17,000 years ago; recent Dna testing and closer fossil examination is suggesting that dogs originated as far as 150,000 years ago. any way the dating in relation to the Bible seems a diminutive far fetched. We know they were nearby in Bible days because it is mention in some passages.

Scientists and researchers have come up with some possible paths that the improvement of contemporary dogs has followed.
Dogs have lived and worked with humans in many dissimilar roles throughout the ages. Even today habitancy are continually finding new ways in which dogs can heighten their lives, or perform useful services to people.

In order to understand dogs and their complex association to humans we need to look back to the origins of the species; and take a closer look at the habits of wolves.

Wolves are very social animals; they live in packs and regain not only assured survival but also enjoy relationships within the pack. We can clearly see evidence of wolves' social buildings systems if we look at our own dogs today.
In a salutary association the human is the alpha member of the pack. A less socialized dog is widely believed to think that he is the leader of your pack, instead of you - the owner.

Today it is widely believed that domestication is occurring at a much greater speed than was previously thought. It seems dogs are now born with extremely prized traits.

Not only their temperaments but also the way they look is greatly changing. Scientists have had a tough time telling some skull and bone fragments apart. It's mainly differences in the skull and teeth that scientists can sue to determine if the specimens are wolf or dog remains.

At a farm in Siberia researchers have been experimenting with foxes and how fast they can be tamed. They believe that this might lead to an insight of how our own dogs have evolved.

Researchers nearby the world are also becoming interested in the cognitions of our dogs and how our dogs have become appropriate into our human social structures. History cannot trace the exact routes of wolf to dog.

Wolves are now on endangered lists nearby the world. Many valiant efforts are being made to curb the steady decline in wolf numbers.

Is it all part of evolution?

Dogs have evolved slowly from wolves and found a home with humans. They've become an primary part of human life. If all wolves had formed such relationships with humans they too might be assured of life without extinction.

It is far easier to envision a world without wolves than it is to fantasize a world without Boston Terriers, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Pomeranians, Shih Tzu's or Pugs.

Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Samsung Galaxy

We've all been affected in one way or the other by the whole mortgage mess (or for many of us, we've been affected in many, many ways). For the most part, I think it's safe to say that most of the effects the average man has felt from the mortgage meltdown over the past few years has been nothing short of devastating. The whole world is still reeling from the catastrophic financial implosion caused by irresponsible lenders who were more than ready to make a loan to just about anyone who could fog a mirror, so long as they got their commissions.

And did they ever get their commissions! To the tune of billions and billions of dollars that went straight through the mortgage industry in the way of fees, commissions and bonuses. In the meantime, a huge chunk of the normal group has found themselves forced into foreclosure and homeless. Not a pretty picture at all, and absolutely not one to be proud of or that anyone should want to repeat. It's no wonder that there has been such a strong push for mortgage reform arrival from all angles.

Thankfully, many of the lenders who robbed Peter to pay Paul (while taking a very kind slice off the top in the process, thank you very much), have gone belly up. They weren't too big to fail, apparently, and so they are no longer around. What we have now are many of the top names in the banking world who are clearly no fly-by-night operations. Lenders such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase, to name a few (actually, there absolutely aren't a whole lot more to name anymore anyway!)

However, in the middle of these monster banks and the ever decreasing amount of mortgage brokers who remain (one has to dream their days are numbered), we are beginning to find a few new names popping up here and their to fill the gaps as mortgage bankers (somewhere in the middle of a bank and a broker).

In theory, this is a good thing. After all, you don't want just 2 or 3 associates controlling all the mortgage lending in the country, right? On the other hand, one has to wonder who these "new" names are, and are they new faces too, or just the same old wolf in sheep's clothing?

One of the new names that you might not have heard about yet is Caliber Funding Mortgage. They promise to be the next great thing in the residential mortgage world, being backed by a multi-billion dollar fund out of Texas. They claim to have the newest and greatest technology to make the process smooth, quick and easy. Sounds pretty good, right? But who exactly is manufacture these claims?

If you look into who is behind the operations at Caliber Funding, you might be surprised. (Then again, maybe you Wont be surprised...)

Running the company is William "Bill" Fruit. Prior to becoming President of Caliber Funding, Llc, Bill was Managing Director of Finance for Countrywide Home Loans, and prior to that, Svp - department Finance Officer at Washington Mutual (ie: WaMu).

Greg Sayegh is the Director of National output at Caliber Funding today. Previously he worked as Evp at Countywide Home Loans and before that he had the title of Svp, retail Loan output at... (can you guess?)... Washington Mutual.

Linwood "Lenny" McNeill, is currently in charge of growing output for Caliber Funding, Llc on the West coast. Can you guess his two prior employers? If you guessed Countrywide and WaMu, you win a cookie!

Now, one might look at all this taste and think, "Wow! This relatively new, unknown company called Caliber Funding, Llc has all this experience. They must know what they're doing!" And that is absolutely one way to look at it. However, there is another.

According to an April 16th, 2010 description on, WaMu's administrative management's taste might not be what you're seeing for. "The demise of Washington Mutual, the biggest bank failure in U.S. History, was due largely to a high-risk lending strategy pursued by the company's management, according to a government description released Friday. "

I perceive that seeing in the rear view mirror is no way to move transmit in this life, but nonetheless, when it comes to my home, my future, and the hereafter of those I care about, I always think it's wise to know exactly who I'm dealing with, and what kind of track description they bring along with them. Either Caliber Funding Mortgage is the new deal in a new era of mortgage lending, or just the same old wolf in new sheep's clothing has yet to be determined. Stay tuned.

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Samsung Galaxy

We've all been affected in one way or the other by the whole mortgage mess (or for many of us, we've been affected in many, many ways). For the most part, I think it's safe to say that most of the effects the mean man has felt from the mortgage meltdown over the past few years has been nothing short of devastating. The whole world is still reeling from the catastrophic financial implosion caused by irresponsible lenders who were more than ready to make a loan to just about anything who could fog a mirror, so long as they got their commissions.

And did they ever get their commissions! To the tune of billions and billions of dollars that went straight through the mortgage commerce in the way of fees, commissions and bonuses. In the meantime, a huge chunk of the general collective has found themselves forced into foreclosure and homeless. Not a pretty photograph at all, and beyond doubt not one to be proud of or that anything should want to repeat. It's no wonder that there has been such a strong push for mortgage reform coming from all angles.

Thankfully, many of the lenders who robbed Peter to pay Paul (while taking a very compassionate slice off the top in the process, thank you very much), have gone belly up. They weren't too big to fail, apparently, and so they are no longer around. What we have now are many of the top names in the banking world who are clearly no fly-by-night operations. Lenders such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Chase, to name a few (actually, there beyond doubt aren't a whole lot more to name anymore anyway!)

However, in the middle of these monster banks and the ever decreasing number of mortgage brokers who remain (one has to dream their days are numbered), we are starting to find a few new names popping up here and their to fill the gaps as mortgage bankers (somewhere in the middle of a bank and a broker).

In theory, this is a good thing. After all, you don't want just 2 or 3 clubs controlling all the mortgage lending in the country, right? On the other hand, one has to wonder who these "new" names are, and are they new faces too, or just the same old wolf in sheep's clothing?

One of the new names that you might not have heard about yet is Caliber Funding Mortgage. They promise to be the next great thing in the residential mortgage world, being backed by a multi-billion dollar fund out of Texas. They claim to have the most recent and greatest technology to make the process smooth, quick and easy. Sounds pretty good, right? But who exactly is production these claims?

If you look into who is behind the operations at Caliber Funding, you might be surprised. (Then again, maybe you Wont be surprised...)

Running the firm is William "Bill" Fruit. Prior to becoming President of Caliber Funding, Llc, Bill was Managing Director of Finance for Countrywide Home Loans, and prior to that, Svp - department Finance Officer at Washington Mutual (ie: WaMu).

Greg Sayegh is the Director of National yield at Caliber Funding today. Previously he worked as Evp at Countywide Home Loans and before that he had the title of Svp, retail Loan yield at... (can you guess?)... Washington Mutual.

Linwood "Lenny" McNeill, is currently in payment of growing yield for Caliber Funding, Llc on the West coast. Can you guess his two prior employers? If you guessed Countrywide and WaMu, you win a cookie!

Now, one might look at all this sense and think, "Wow! This relatively new, unknown firm called Caliber Funding, Llc has all this experience. They must know what they're doing!" And that is beyond doubt one way to look at it. However, there is another.

According to an April 16th, 2010 report on, WaMu's administrative management's sense might not be what you're seeing for. "The demise of Washington Mutual, the biggest bank failure in U.S. History, was due largely to a high-risk lending strategy pursued by the company's management, agreeing to a government report released Friday. "

I comprehend that seeing in the rear view mirror is no way to move transmit in this life, but nonetheless, when it comes to my home, my future, and the time to come of those I care about, I all the time think it's wise to know exactly who I'm dealing with, and what kind of track report they bring along with them. Whether Caliber Funding Mortgage is the new deal in a new era of mortgage lending, or just the same old wolf in new sheep's clothing has yet to be determined. Stay tuned.

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Costume Non-Prescription Scary perceive Lenses Are Gaining In Popularity Due To The Look They generate

Samsung Galaxy

Costume non-prescription scary taste lenses originate a great Halloween accessory.
These taste lenses are specifically designed to enhance a Halloween costume.
Per the websites that sell these lenses, there is no prescription required.

But some habitancy wear these taste lenses as enhancements to their every day attire. It does not matter what anything thinks about this scary eye candy. Hollywood has sanctioned the use of these costume non-prescription scary lens as an everyday accessory. Teenagers and some plain strange folks wear these scary taste lenses daily so they can get attention.

Several schools have banned the wearing of these taste lens on school grounds and in classes. If they do not enhance or definite vision, they are not allowed. Trying to be different is the only reason to wear these taste lenses on a daily basis. But peer pressure sometimes troops kids into being alike so kids have to find a way to be unique.

Well unique describes this style of taste lens precisely. These types of taste lenses were designed for extra effects in Hollywood films, theatrical productions and musical videos. These taste lenses are non-prescription taste lenses and should be worn for very short periods of time.

Cooper vision and other brand name eye car fellowships offer these funky costume non-prescription scary taste lenses and other unique styles of taste lenses in array of styles and colors. Crazy Lenses is other of the top producers of extra effects taste lenses.

These costume type taste lenses are showing up on the runways in haute couture fashion shows as well as on the street of New York, Paris and Milan. Even the red carpets in Hollywood are not immune to these scary taste lenses.

These special-effect taste lenses are not worn by habitancy who need vision improvement because the lenses are not created for that purpose. everybody can order these taste lenses from the constructor without a prescription. Many of the purchasers of these taste lenses are first time taste lens users.

Some of the most favorite costume non-prescription scary taste lens designs include:

*Blood Shot Eyes taste lenses have a white base with bloody red vessels that emanate from the outer corner of the lenses toward the center.

*Spiral Black and Spiral Red taste lenses contribute a look of bewilderment. No one can tell where you are looking. They just know they don't want to look at you.

*Blood Red taste lenses are all the time favorite for the Halloween parties.

*Red Wolf and Black Wolf Crazy lenses are solid red with yellow detail to originate a wolf eye effect.

*Cat eye taste lenses is a pure yellow lens with black detailing to originate a slit the same as a cat's eye

*Reptile taste lenses are also referred to as Lizard taste lenses and Alien taste lenses. The Reptile Green Crazy lens is a solid green taste lenses with black detailing

There are other favorite extra consequent lenses available. These are cosmetic taste lenses that change eye color or contribute extra affects along with eye designs. These taste lenses are very favorite among teens and the young adult population..

Costume Non-Prescription Scary perceive Lenses Are Gaining In Popularity Due To The Look They generate

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

5 Pchl Hollywood Wolves to Play Over 100 Nhl Games

Samsung Galaxy

The Hollywood Wolves were a professional hockey team that existed in the Pacific Coast Hockey League for just three seasons from 1944-45 to 1946-47. The Wolves had a loose affiliation with the American Hockey League's Pittsburgh Hornets who, in turn, were the traditional affiliate of the National Hockey League's Toronto Maple Leafs.

Over their three years of existence in the Pchl, the Hollywood Wolves had twelve players who had either played in the Nhl before or after their stint in Hollywood. Of those twelve players, just five played more than 100 career Nhl games.

Oscar "Ossie" Asmundson played fifteen games with the Hollywood Wolves in 1944-45. Asmundson was at the end of his professional hockey career and his games with the Wolves were his last. Oscar played his first Nhl games in 1932-33 with the New York Rangers. Over his Nhl career, he played 111 quarterly season games with the Rangers, Detroit Red Wings, St. Louis Eagles, New York Americans and Montreal Canadiens. Asmundson scored one more point (35) in his fifteen games with the Hollywood Wolves than in all of his 111 Nhl games.

Bob Gracie played sixteen games with the Wolves in 1945-46 and just two in 1946-47. During both those two seasons, Gracie was also the head coach of the team. His Nhl career began in 1930-31 with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Bob played a total of 378 quarterly season and 33 playoff games in the Nhl. Along with Toronto, Gracie also played for the Boston Bruins, New York American, Montreal Maroons, Montreal Canadiens and Chicago Black Hawks.

Like Asmundson and Gracie, Tommy Anderson played for the Hollywood Wolves in the twilight of his career. Anderson played one season with the Wolves, 1946-47, appearing in 60 games and contributing 31 points from the blue line. Anderson's Nhl career began in 1934-35 with the Detroit Red Wings. He played a total of 319 quarterly season and 16 playoff games in the Nhl with Detroit, and the New York / Brooklyn Americans. In 1941-42, Anderson was awarded with the Hart Memorial Trophy as the Nhl's most necessary player. That season, Tommy contributed 41 points in 48 games for the Brooklyn Americans in an era when defensemen were seldom complex in the offense.

Perhaps the most illustrious member of the Hollywood Wolves, Bill Barilko played with the team in 1945-46 and most of 1946-47. Barilko was a standout defenseman for the Toronto Maple Leafs from 1946-47 to 1950-51. During his five years with the Maple Leafs, the team won the Stanley Cup on four occasions. In his final season, Barilko was responsible for the overtime series winning goal against the Montreal Canadiens. Bill lost his life in a plane crash in the summer of 1951. Barilko's career was cut short at 252 quarterly season and 47 playoff games in the Nhl. Without a doubt, if not for the tragic accident, Bill would have had a long and illustrious career most likely culminating in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

Lloyd Klein played twenty years of professional, starting in 1928-29. He played for Hollywood in 1945-46, scoring 24 goals in just 33 games. Klein played in 169 Nhl games with the Bruins and New York Americans.

5 Pchl Hollywood Wolves to Play Over 100 Nhl Games

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Internet Marketing, The Sheep, The Wolves, And the Hunters - Which One Are You?

Samsung Galaxy

Many people come looking to the internet for an occasion to free themselves from the midpoint grind of a 9-5. Most of those people ultimately get herded by the so called "gurus" out here on the internet..

You see, having your own enterprise has never been easier. So many people get excited when they hear about opportunities that go somewhere along the lines of "Make $X in Y Hours!" type offers.

Those people are what I call the "sheep" of the internet marketing world.

They will buy product after product, reasoning that they will ultimately land on a "magic pill", that will ultimately make them rich overnight. Those are also the people who are most likely to buy a product, take a whizz straight through it, and never even open it again.

For the people who own the products, this is the basis of the whole business. It may not be to rip people off, but to sell to people who have this type of mindset. It is a well known fact that over 90% of people who buy these products will never use them.

Like information addicts, the buyer takes pride in the fact that they "could" make it online.

So why do they refuse to take action?

There could be many, but if there was one coarse denominator, it would be that they fear failure. Failure of putting a lot of time, attempt and money into something that may or may not work out.

I don't blame people for making these decisions when first entering this industry. It legitimately is a world full of wolves, ready to for their next hunt.

The prey being sheep.

You have seen those fancy website designs, sales letters that completely digest you for 20 minutes, and wild promises that are bound to make the most skeptical buyers into believers.

The hunters of the online world blur the lines between sheep, and wolves... They take some action, then go looking for something that will make the journey "easier", or "simpler" (and therefore falling a victim to the same "get-rich-quick" hype).

The wolves are the ones making the money.


Because the wolves are going out there to make the sales. The sheep are the ones that stray nearby the internet for weeks on end, looking for the 'magic pill'.

There is no such thing. In fact, many of the 'gurus' and wolves out here on the internet were in the same shoes that everyone began with. They all began with the internet marketing basics.

What made them successful?

Nothing that you couldn't do, if you knew where to look!

Are you a wolf?


Are you a sheep?

Internet Marketing, The Sheep, The Wolves, And the Hunters - Which One Are You?

The Wolves

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 5.75 Mins.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

No URL Ferrari 458 Spider Nailed - CHRIS HARRIS ON CARS

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

Internet Marketing, The Sheep, The Wolves, And the Hunters - Which One Are You?

Internet Marketing, The Sheep, The Wolves, And the Hunters - Which One Are You?
Internet Marketing, The Sheep, The Wolves, And the Hunters - Which One Are You?

The Wolves

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

5 Pchl Hollywood Wolves to Play Over 100 Nhl Games

5 Pchl Hollywood Wolves to Play Over 100 Nhl Games
5 Pchl Hollywood Wolves to Play Over 100 Nhl Games

The Wolves

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

Costume Non-Prescription Scary perceive Lenses Are Gaining In Popularity Due To The Look They generate

Costume Non-Prescription Scary perceive Lenses Are Gaining In Popularity Due To The Look They generate
Costume Non-Prescription Scary perceive Lenses Are Gaining In Popularity Due To The Look They generate

The Wolves

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolves

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Caliber Funding Mortgage - The time to come of Residential Lending Or a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

The Wolves

Don't ask how I came to be driving it. I'm a year late to this review, so most people already know what they need to know. But do they know what the Spider is like if you drive it like a mentalist? They will now.


The Wolves

Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?

Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?
Dog Origins - Where Do Dogs Come From?

The Wolves