Linda Godfrey succeeds in uncovering more sightings and tales of Wisconsin's popular Bray Road Beast, an apparent man-wolf, or wolves, which seem to have strayed from their traditional haunt in Walworth County, Wisconsin. They now prowl the woods and swamps of neighboring states. Godfrey also reveals historic incidents and encounters from many other places too, even outside of the Us.
In this follow-up to the Beast of Bray Road Godfrey continues to gift the case of mysterious man-wolves with an open mind, and a fun writing style that manages to keep the reader just shy of peaking the fear Meter, though there are a few spots that may push the needle closer to the red.
The Wolves
In "Hunting the American Werewolf" the reader will find more speculation as to what these creatures may be; shapeshifters, hybrid wolf-dogs, or an assumed extinct bear/dog like creatures called Amphicyon. An piquant idea and, as this reviewer found, one of the most creepily piquant notions in the book.
Godfrey has even explored more supernatural possibilities as well. Could they be spirit beings? Demons from hell? Aliens? These and other ideas are examined, along with the obvious connections with Bigfoot. And, just like in her old book on the subject, Godfrey takes no shame in presenting ideas that many readers will find nothing short of absurd.
She presents them all regardless of how outlandish they may seem, along with a few trips down the psychic highway in which we learn that one woman has apparently contacted the head wolf beast telepathically and was informed that they mean the human race no harm, thankfully. And another in which a fellow claims a race of man-wolves travels to and from our world through interdiMensional vortices.
However far fetched these theories may seem, "Hunting the American Werewolf" is a well researched book presenting down-to-earth recognize accounts as well. It is piquant on many levels. Keep an eye out for more from Linda Godfrey and we'll see where the man-wolves rear their ugly heads next...
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