Showing posts with label Alaskan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alaskan. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2012

Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

Wolves love each other's company; they are collective animals, which live in packs or house groups. Each pack has the parent wolves, their pups, which were born within a year or the old year and ccasionally, a wolf house will let a stray wolf join their pack. The leader of the pack makes this decision, which is one of the parents. The parents of the pack are called the alpha pAir and if one dies, the other wolf will find other mate that's not from its pack. A general pack does not contain many wolves, on median there are seven wolves in a group. Sometimes packs are larger, a bigger group contains 20 or more wolves because one female may have 2 to 3 litters of pups.

Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

Alaskan Wolves

Normally, male adult wolves weigh 85 - 115 pounds but they can weigh up to 145 pounds. Females however are 5 to 10 pounds lighter, rarely weighing over100 pounds; all wolves come to be adult size in about a year.

Wolves like to hunt big animals; they are carnivores and when they hunt in the north, caribou are their prey. In the southeast wolves hunt the Sitka black-tail deer and throughout the states they hunt moose. One wolf cannot bring down a large animal; the enTire pack helps by working together. Large animals are not the only source of Food for wolves; they suppleMent their diet with voles, lemmings, ground squirrels, Snowshoe hares and other small mammals. They also eat carrion and whenever they are near a source of water, they will catch salmon. Food gives wolves energy; they need at least seven pounds of meat a day to stay strong.

When wolves are not hunting, they defend their territory from other wolves, which may try to take their home. The area which contains prey or food Supplies changes, which means a pack will not stay within a territory for a long time. Many deer roam on the islands in Southeast Alaska, however a wolf's territory is smaller there, but in Interior and Arctic Alaska, the quantity of prey is lower but the area has larger wolf territories. Wolves are not lazy, they can travel 20 miles in a day and sometimes even farther. Wolves may quest and travel hundreds of mile from their home to find new territory to own.

February and March are the general months that wolves breed; in April or May, wolves have an median of five pups. At 22 months, a wolf can start breeding; its pups are born in a den, which is dug in soil that is drained. Some wolves have their pups in a tree and will take them to the den later. Parent wolves focus all their activities on their pups when they are young; the adult wolves all the time travel to find food and then carry what they find back to the den. while the midsummer, pups are weaned, then, when winter arrives, parents lead their pups away from the den.

Alaskan wolves are excellent hunters, live in packs and raise their families in groups.

Alaskan Wolves

Tags : Weber GasGrill Outdoor

Friday, September 16, 2011

Alaskan Wolves

Wolves love each other's company; they are collective animals, which live in packs or family groups. Each pack has the parent wolves, their pups, which were born within a year or the old year and ccasionally, a wolf family will let a stray wolf join their pack. The leader of the pack makes this decision, which is one of the parents. The parents of the pack are called the alpha pAir and if one dies, the other wolf will find someone else mate that's not from its pack. A general pack does not contain many wolves, on midpoint there are seven wolves in a group. Sometimes packs are larger, a bigger group contains 20 or more wolves because one female may have 2 to 3 litters of pups.

Normally, male adult wolves weigh 85 - 115 pounds but they can weigh up to 145 pounds. Females however are 5 to 10 pounds lighter, rarely weighing over100 pounds; all wolves come to be adult size in about a year.

The Wolves

Wolves like to hunt big animals; they are carnivores and when they hunt in the north, caribou are their prey. In the southeast wolves hunt the Sitka black-tail deer and throughout the states they hunt moose. One wolf cannot bring down a large animal; the whole pack helps by working together. Large animals are not the only source of Food for wolves; they suppleMent their diet with voles, lemmings, ground squirrels, Snowshoe hares and other small mammals. They also eat carrion and whenever they are near a source of water, they will catch salmon. Food gives wolves energy; they need at least seven pounds of meat a day to stay strong.

Alaskan Wolves

When wolves are not hunting, they defend their territory from other wolves, which may try to take their home. The area which contains prey or Food Supplies changes, which means a pack will not stay within a territory for a long time. Many deer roam on the islands in Southeast Alaska, however a wolf's territory is smaller there, but in Interior and Arctic Alaska, the quantity of prey is lower but the area has larger wolf territories. Wolves are not lazy, they can voyage 20 miles in a day and sometimes even farther. Wolves may crusade and voyage hundreds of mile from their home to find new territory to own.

February and March are the general months that wolves breed; in April or May, wolves have an midpoint of five pups. At 22 months, a wolf can start breeding; its pups are born in a den, which is dug in soil that is drained. Some wolves have their pups in a tree and will take them to the den later. Parent wolves focus all their activities on their pups when they are young; the adult wolves always voyage to find food and then carry what they find back to the den. during the midsummer, pups are weaned, then, when winter arrives, parents lead their pups away from the den.

Alaskan wolves are perfect hunters, live in packs and raise their families in groups.

Alaskan Wolves

Tags : Natural Gas Grills