tantalizing Facts And Stories About The Wolf
It is estimated that North American and Eurasian wolves have only been known about for about 150,000 years.
tantalizing Facts And Stories About The Wolf
tantalizing Facts And Stories About The Wolf
tantalizing Facts And Stories About The Wolf
tantalizing Facts And Stories About The Wolf
A wolf is a predator, which hunts and eats other animals and belongs to the same genus as the dog, Some inspecting it to be indeed the parent species of the dog, It is a fact, that wild dogs often look more like wolves, than they do their domestic brothers. Actually, Wolves will sometimes breed with dogs, or coyotes, when the wolf family is reduced, for one reason, or another.
The many estimate of wolves are found in northern Europe, North America and northern Asia and are part of the Canidae family - canis lupus.
The wolf found in Europe, also northern Asia is more of a grayish yellow colour, It has fAirly long, common hAir and a bushy tail. It moves very swiftly, often in packs when hunting bison and other animals. Rarely attacks man unless driven to it by extreme hunger.
In the north-western states of America the dusky wolf is the most noticeable species. The black, white and rufous wolves are more often seen in the south.
The black wolf is the more often seen, found in the Pyrenees, Spain areas. Was quite common in Russia. Canada is home to the grey wolf, and is occasionally seen in the forests of the New England area.
The coyote, sometimes spoken about as 'the prairie wolf', is not indeed a proper wolf at all, but a vertebrate similar to the jackal.
To survive, the wolf has to be very nimble minded and thankfully, are not indeed trapped. They have even been known to bite off the trigger, close to a set-gun and then eat the bait. They have even been known to indeed drag up a set Fishing line from out of ice holes and eat the Fish. Wolves survive everywhere that has sufficient Food, plus human tolerance. Humans should learn to share this planet with all creatures. After all, wolves are naturally animals fighting to survive here, as we are.
Wolves have very communal instincts. They have a complex facial and body language. It helps them to intercommunicate with each other. Their howl, is used to narrate with other wolves.
Packs of wolves are great travelers, often face more than 30 more miles in a day, while seeking Food, while winter.
But at any time they are territorial creatures and need unabridged areas in which to hunt for their food. What is not well known, is in truth, the fact that wolves are are not an productive killing machine, when it comes to pulling down big and wholesome prey, which have a capable defence. In fact, the kill rate, under those conditions can be as low as only one in five.
The wolf is a very movable animal. Years ago when the wolf citizen had dropped a pack left Yellowstone Park each winter and travelled 300 miles, in a two way journey up to the Crazy Mountains, Yellowstone National Park has long been the epicenter, of debates over the wolf.
There have been docuMented cases of wolves killing cougars and vice versa in and colse to Yellowstone National Park. When camping at parks, such as Yellowstone, remember that Wolves are wild animals and should be treated as such. In other words, treat them with respect and do not feed them. Wolves are an endangered species Happily though they seem to be developMent a comeback in some several National Parks and the northern Rockies.
Sadly, face the parks protection, there are some places in which wolves are cruelly trapped. This occurs in areas mostly where it is legal, using cruel snares, or inhumane and despicable leg traps. This causes unimaginable suffering to these noble animals and should be outlawed, as it has been, for many years, in more civilized areas of the world.
In Alaska, the so called, cowardly 'sportsMen', have once again taken up hunting and killing wolves from aircraft. Often, they only injure the poor creatures and just fly away, abandoning them to die a slow, lonely and painful death. This abomination, which they call 'sport', has the blessing of the governor of Alaska, a particularly odious and cruel person. The citizens of Alaska have what they deserve - a despot, but indeed not a man of honor - or even one worthy of the name, 'man', in charge.
Hopefully, mankind will learn to share his world with wolves and all other sea and land creatures, thus allowing our time to come generations to be able to experience wild creatures living in their natural habitats. Not only through television wildlife shows, or at zoos.
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