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Showing posts with label United. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

The elk habitancy in the United States today is well over 1,000,000 animals, with the habitancy growing fAirly steadily since a habitancy count was made in 1975, at which time the estimated habitancy was just over 500,000. Even though a habitancy count taken every five years seems to recomMend a constant increase in numbers, the elk habitancy is, like most things in nature, somewhat cyclical.

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

For a herd to whether grow in numbers, or reserve an existing estimate of animals, supporting habitat needs to be there. Most of the habitat convenient for elk is found in the Rocky Mountain region, so it is miniature wonder that the Rocky Mountain states commonly have the largest populations. Of course there are those factors which can cause the elk habitancy to decrease at times. One is loss of habitat. Loss of habitat is very often caused by human amelioration of the land, but in the case of the elk, forest fires play a major role.

When forest land has burned and lies barren for a short time, knapweed often takes over. This noxious weed is difficult to eradicate, and crowds out the types of vegetation that would ordinarily reserve a herd of elk. Severe winters often take a toll on herds, as do predators, primarily wolves. The reintroduction of wolves into obvious regions has been accompanied by a reduction in the elk habitancy in those regions. The combination of a severe winter, and a proximity of predators, presents the elk with a double whammy. Hunting is another factor contributing to habitancy loss. The good news is that the elk are a long ways from being an endangered species, quite the opposite in fact.

There are four species of elk in the United States, the Rocky Mountain elk, the Roosevelt Elk, the Tule Elk, and the Manitoba Elk. 90% of the elk are of the Rocky Mountain species. The Roosevelt elk accounts for most of the remaining 10% of the elk population. The estimate of Tule elk, found in California, numbers under 4,000 animals, and the Manitoba species, found in a incorporate of the eastern states, numbers under 1,000.

Colorado is the state with the largest elk habitancy (290,000), followed by Montana (160,000), Idaho (110,000) and Wyoming (106,000). New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington have smaller, yet big populations. These numbers are for Rocky Mountain elk. The bulk of the Roosevelt elk habitancy is in Oregon (63,000) and Washington (36,000). A quantum of Washington's habitancy resides in Olympic National Park, where the species was introduced in the early 1900's.

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation is the assosication to go to for all kinds of information about elk, including elk population. The Foundation sponsors a estimate of activities directed towards protecting and preserving elk habitat, often working with other outdoors organizations, such as the Back Country HorseMen. The Rmef has a estimate of chapters across the United States.

Elk habitancy Facts and Statistics For the United States

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