Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Differences and Similarities between Dogs and Wolves

Domestic dogs exhibit a number of predispositions and behaviors that were inherited from wolves. A dog's highly advanced collective cognition is found only in primitive forms of grey wild wolves. Since the starting of time dogs have been tested and observed, and it is pretty clear that dog behavior is directly affected by both genetic and environMental factors.

When it comes to bodily characteristics dogs and wolves are just as alike as they are different. Compared with a wolf of the same size, dogs ordinarily have 20% smaller skulls and a 30% smaller brain. Dogs also have proportionally smaller teeth and they require a lower calorie count to function then wolves do. Typically the skin of a dog is quite thicker than that of a wolf. Dog paws are 50% smaller than the paws of wolves and their tails tend to curve upwards, which is not a trait in any species of wolves.

The Wolves

Unlike wolves, dogs achieve poorly when it comes to observational studying but they are very responsive when it comes to instruMental conditioning. That means they are more apt to retort when they know there will be some kind of reinforceMent and they can sense that punishMent will be the consequence if they chose a positive behavior. Dogs are more likely to be determined a scavenger, with other dogs acting as their competition. This is one of the main differences. Wolves hunt for Food together, they strike their prey together, and the feast on corpses together. A dog will fight with someone else dog when it comes to a dead bird.

The Differences and Similarities between Dogs and Wolves

When it comes to training, wolves and dogs retort in different ways. Generally, dogs are more responsive to coercive techniques. This is especially true when it involves aversive stimuli, fear, and force. Wolves are more responsive to positive conditioning and rewards. Dogs tend to retort more to the voice while a tame wolf responds better to hand signals. Though it is quite positive that dogs are easier to operate than wolves, a dog can still be comparatively difficult to teach than a wolf that is motivated enough.

The Differences and Similarities between Dogs and Wolves

Visit : Natural Gas Grills

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